How ConsumerIQ works

Did you know you are now eligible for discounts and benefits from Australia’s best retailers and service providers? Wouldn’t it be helpful if you could find and claim them all in one place?

We partner with the best

Enter ConsumerIQ. Try our easy to use Bill Buster tool to save a lot by doing very little. Goodbye money worries, hello peace of mind.

Our service costs you nothing

Simply search, save and relax. Take our bill buster questionnaire to help us understand what you want to save on. We’ll find and filter your options based on what’s important to you. Once we’ve helped you make an informed choice you free to choose and save!

How we make money

While our service costs you nothing, we know there is no such thing as a free lunch. We’re a business and that means we need to make money – after all, we’ve got more than staff to pay!

Instead of charging you a fee, we are paid a ‘referral fee’ by some company’s that own whichever product you choose receive a quote from, whether you make a purchase or not.

The referral fee we are paid by product providers is an economical way for them to attract new customers, and in many cases costs less than their own advertising or sales activity.