The cooler months are fast approaching and you’re starting to feel that the back of your throat is itchy, which results in a cough, now red streaming watery eyes and a runny nose are starting to flare up.

It’s likely that you have Hay Fever. These are the hallmark of hay fever which generally are caused by pollens. So, if you think you are one of the candidates then you must know the best possible treatment once you caught it.

Here are 5 tips on how to treat hay fever fast:

Be Tech-Savvy

Use your phone to track your location and the weather for the possible amount of pollen count. There are apps available in the market where you can measure pollen count according to your location and environment, this could help you plan outdoor activities ahead of time.

Apply Nasal Barrier

The idea of applying nasal barriers like Vaseline or Balm on the surrounding of your nasal area is to trap pollen even before they have the chance to get in the nasal cavity triggering an allergy.

Always Bring Your Emergency Pack

Always keep oral histamine, nasal spray, and eye drops whenever you go out for work or on vacation. These are sold over the counter and could give you instant relief when you caught hay fever. Keep in mind that you shouldn’t abuse using your nasal decongestant spray for it could lead to harmful side effects upon long term used. Use it for a couple of days only, if hay fever worsens then it’s time to bring yourself to the doctor.

Vitamin C and Honey

Though studies don’t back up the effectivity rate of honey, it is proven that taking a scoop of honey every day for a long period of time can provide immunity to allergens that can fight hay fever. Ascorbic Acid or Vitamin can provide a better overall immunity for you to combat any disease.


What do you normally do to treat hayfever fast?