There are myths surrounding hearing loss and it’s important to separate the myths from the facts. Hearing loss is no longer an uncommon condition. To help you understand this disability that plagues the older population, we’ve explained the most common misconceptions.

Myth #1 – Hearing loss only affects older people

It is a fact that some types of hearing loss are caused by aging, but being young is not an exemption from developing a hearing impairment. Hearing loss is no longer a disability only experienced by people in the older age bracket. It can strike anytime due to a variety of causes. In fact, Better Health Channel found out that 22 percent of Australians suffer from it.

Myth #2 – Mild hearing loss is no big deal

It’s definitely not okay if you believe you are suffering from a mild hearing loss and being okay with it. It can affect your everyday life. Sounds and speech can become indistinct, and softer consonants can be more challenging to hear. Your ability to communicate and listen is at risk. Seek an ear specialist or your doctor to address your hearing problem as soon as possible. They will help you find the best solution for your hearing loss.

Myth #3 – Hearing loss is obvious

Hearing loss is a gradual process that progresses over time. You may think that you would be able to notice hearing within the earliest signs but damage to hearing is not that easy to spot. However, there are warning signs such as talking too loudly or turning up the television louder when everyone else can hear it just fine. When you experience these symptoms, consult your doctor right away.

Are you experiencing hearing loss? What are your best tips to take good care of your hearing?