Staying healthy as you get older can pose quite the challenge. Nevertheless, it is important to keep on top of your health and wellbeing without feeling like it’s all too hard. We have discovered the best products on the market today that you can buy to help you live your best life. Reminisce of your younger days as you stroll through the park with your new headphones, listening to Frank Sinatra, building up your fitness.

1. Boost your mood and energy with these amazing headphones! 

If you love yourself a brisk walk on a beautiful morning, or maybe you have started a new gym routine to build up your bone density and improve your overall health, then you need a good pair of wireless headphones. Listening to music or podcasts you love is so important when it comes to staying motivated. So turn up the tunes, and get out and about for a walk with a skip in your step as you burn calories and have fun.

Key points:

  • Lightweight design: So you won’t be weighed down, and will forget you are even wearing them.
  • Noise-canceling: To allow you to be in the zone without the distractions.
  • Excellent noise quality: Even if you happened to be a little hard of hearing, these headphones have got you covered. 
  • Wireless or wired: If your device doesn’t have Bluetooth, or you like it traditional, you can connect the headphones with a cord, or if you are feeling adventurous, you can give the wireless function a crack.
  • 16-hour battery life! This means less time on the charge and more time on the go.
  • Enjoy their soft cups that are memory protein earmuffs so they fit your ears perfectly and feel comfortable for hours.

Take charge of your fitness life with music that you actually enjoy, playing through headphones that really work!

Price: Only $59.99

Srhythm Headphones
Srhythm Headphones

2. Stretch and flex with a new Yoga mat, with extra support:

Yoga is a great way to get your blood flowing, muscles relaxed and stress levels lowering. If you are sick of those cheap mats, where you feel like you are sitting on a hard floor, then why not take a mat that is longer, thicker and non-slip? This way you can enjoy your class without the aches and pains, and get the full benefits of stretching and breathing.

Key points:

  • Non-slip: Extra grip to keep you balanced for those poses that might usually leave you a little wobbly. You won’t need to worry about falling and hurting yourself with a yoga mat designed to keep you steady and stable. 
  • More length: For those of us who are a little taller, or don’t enjoy having our head or feet on the cold floor, then this yoga mat has your long limb problems covered.
  • Extra padding: Avoid feeling the hard floor through your mat with 6mm of thick cushioning to support your spine and hips.
  • Eco-friendly TPE material with a free bag and strap, so you can carry your mat with ease into your next yoga class.

Price: Only $39.90

Pido Yoga Mat
Pido Yoga Mat

3. Stay hydrated without remembering to drink more water!

It is so easy to forget to drink water often enough to keep your body hydrated, I mean who of us can honestly say we actually drink the recommended eight 8-ounce glasses of water every day? With the average task hard enough to remember these days, drinking water regularly can often be forgotten, particularly when we are busy. With a Hydracoach 2.0 drink bottle, you will be reminded to stay hydrated all day, track your water intake, and the best part – no complicated or fancy apps needed!

Key points:

  • Set-up regular drinking reminders: Set and forget with an easy to read screen, where you can set your own personalized intervals to remind you to drink more water. Stay fit and healthy with the Hydracoach.
  • Monitor your hydration/water intake: Throughout the day your bottle will track how hydrated you are based on the amount of water consumed and how much water you have had so far throughout the day.
  • BPA-Free & Easy to clean: Simply remove the digital panel before putting it into the dishwasher for cleaning.
  • No complicated apps needed: Put away your phone, you don’t need to manually track every sip on your phone, instead, read all the information you need on your bottles’ screen.

Prices: $39.99

Hydracoach 2.0
Hydracoach 2.0

4. Release your back and neck pain with this amazing invention:

Are you constantly complaining about your back or neck pain when you get up in the morning or when you go to bed at night? An acupressure mat might just be the key to ending your pain and have you feeling great! How does it work? In just 10-30 minutes of lying on the mat per day, your muscles become relaxed and less tense, reducing pain and releasing muscle tightness (think acupuncture but without the sharp needles). It will also help you to relax your body, and increase circulation by stimulating blood flow.

Key points:

  • Targets your back and neck pain at the same time.
  • The mat covers the length of your back for full exposure to the acupressure points, plus the neck pillow designed for comfort.
  • Use for 10-30 minutes each night to help your muscles relax and pain disappear, before you go to bed.
  • Enjoy faster recovery from exercise through better circulation, and blood flow to muscles and tense areas.

Price: Only $19.99

ProSource Acupressure Mat
ProSource Acupressure Mat

5. Build muscle from home with these super versatile resistance bands:

We only get one body, so let’s look after it the best way we can! Training your muscles to ensure you stay strong and healthy is very important if you are over 50. Without a good daily routine, it can be easy to forget to look after yourself, causing your health to decline. How to fix it? Get some resistance band exercises in your daily routine and get moving, your body will thank you!

Key points:

  • 3 key strengths: Depending on your fitness level and which exercise you are performing, you will have adequate resistance with the; Light, Medium, and Heavy bands.
  • Made of durable, latex-free material that is built to withstand stretching and prolonged use.
  • Great for use during your home physiotherapy, yoga, pilates, or resistance training sessions.
  • Improve your coordination, strength, and fitness.

Price: $16.99

Resistance Bands
Resistance Bands

6. Track your fitness and health with a fit-watch:

Do you want to keep track of how far you are really moving around throughout the day? Keep track of your steps, sleep, and general fitness activities with an easy to use, and affordable fit-watch.  Available in a range of colors for men and women, so you can pick one that suits you best, and change the screen to increase the number size and colors to make it easier to read.

Key points:

  • Track your steps, distance, calories, activities and sports each day, and automatically have it logged in an app on your phone.
  • Keep track of your heart rate: With constant monitoring, be alerted if you are going above your recommended heart rate, making it a great tool if you have a heart condition to monitor.
  • Track your sleep patterns: If you are a light sleeper, this watch will help you find out when you fall into a deep sleep, and give you insights so you can form better habits and improve your sleep long-term.

Price: $22.89

Fitness Tracker
Fitness Tracker

7. Work on your core strength and joint stability with a Bosu ball:

Working your core muscles is important not just to feel strong and healthy, but also for balance and overall stability, which are key to help you avoid injury as you age. With so many great exercise variations to try on a Bosu ball, you will be feeling strong, safe and fit in no-time. 

Key Points:

  • Improve your balance and stability: With a range of available exercises such as squats, push-ups, crunches, and bicep curls whilst balancing, your body will feel the benefits of resistance and balance without the high impact factor.
  • Durable and slip-resistant surface: The Bosu has a grippy textured exterior, so you don’t need to worry about slipping off.
  • Excellent addition to any pilates, yoga or resistance workout.
  • Portable and easy to clean after use.

Pricing: $69.99

Bosu Ball
Bosu Ball

Build up your fitness and health with these great products that will assist you in achieving your goals, all costing you less than $70!