Did you know that chronic gum disease affects 47.2% of adults over 30 in the United States? Teeth health is one of the most neglected health concerns that people set aside because of the costs and lack of education.

However, there are a few tweaks in your diet that can help you preserve your pearly whites and support gum health for a couple of years more, starting by avoiding these foods.

  1. Acidic foods

Citrus and natural vinegar like apple cider are excellent ingredients that make up a healthy and balanced diet. Natural acids have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and immune system-boosting components that are good for you. However, frequent consumption might have some negative impact on your teeth health, because acids from food can erode enamel over time, which is the coating that protects your teeth from cavities.

  1. Potato

Mashed, baked, or fried, potato is a staple in the western diet. It’s delicious and almost impossible to avoid. However, potato and other root vegetables are filled with starch that quickly turns into sugar, which easily gets trapped in between teeth. Flossing after brushing ensures that no starches are stuck in between your chompers.

  1. Fizzy drinks

Sugar in soda is your teeth’s main enemy. Even your sweetened coffee or diet sodas are just as bad. It’s best to replace your typical soda with honey-sweetened tea or water infused with fruit or mint whenever possible.

  1. Alcohol

Did you know that when you consume alcohol, your saliva production slows down, which leaves your mouth dry. A dehydrated mouth can lead to infections and a series of oral health problems.

  1. Health drinks

If you love a bottle of coco juice or sports drinks after exercise, don’t forget to wash your mouth with a glass of water to remove sugars that may stick to your teeth. Most health drinks have a high sugar content that can start teeth damage if consumed frequently.

What’s your best tip in keeping your teeth healthy? Let us know!