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Top Home Security

Last Updated October 2024

A home security system secures your property through a system of devices and interworking software. These security systems usually come in the form of interconnected electronic hardware that work together with the main control panel to safeguard your home against burglary and other probable dangers.

Top 3 Best Home Security systems for you

Most Recommended
  • Intrusion detection
  • Fire, CO & flood monitoring
  • Voice control
  • Touchscreen control panel
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Vivint Security
  • 24/7 alarm
  • Sensors detect additional threats
  • Smart Home app
  • Free installation with purchase
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Cove Security
  • Google Assistant and Alexa integration
  • Full-day professional monitoring
  • 4G LTE internet connection
  • 24-hour touch panel backup
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SimpliSafe Home Security
  • Wireless monitoring
  • Easy setup
  • Affordable pricing
  • No-contract options
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Frontpoint Security
  • Frequent deals on new systems
  • 24/7 monitoring option
  • ID Protect digital security
  • Smart-device integration
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Blue By ADT
  • No wiring or heavy drilling
  • No phone line required
  • Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa compatible
  • Night vision facial recognition cameras
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  • SMS and phone call alerts
  • Police and fire dispatch
  • 4G LTE cellular and battery backup
  • Cloud storage for first camera or doorbell
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Link Interactive
  • Touch pad Door Locks
  • Premium Thermostats
  • Doorbell cameras
  • Automatic garage doors
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  • Smart Smoke Detector
  • Medical Alert Pendant
  • Flood and Freeze Detectors
  • Touchscreen Panel
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What is a Home Security system?

The sole purpose of home security systems is to secure all entry points of your home through a command centre or sensors that communicate with a central control panel that is also installed within your property. The sensors are usually placed in areas that at are the point of entry or exit from your house like doors and windows.

Home security systems give you the peace of mind whether you are at home or away. Some systems also give you the ability to check your property from anywhere at any time.

How does Home Security systems benefit you?

There are chiefly four main types of Home Security systems in USA:

Monitored Security Systems
A monitored system alarm can either be managed by you or you can seek professional monitoring service. This system works by alerting a security centre or emergency service whenever emergencies are detected.

Unmonitored Security Systems
This system works by setting off a loud siren in and out of your property when the alarm is triggered.

They consist of security items such as motion sensors, glass-break sensors, control panel, sirens, smoke detectors, door and window sensors.

Wired Home Security Systems
Wired home security system connects to an alarm panel that has wiring connecting all the components of your system. All access points of your property will be wired back to the main control panel which will work even when your internet is not.

Wireless Security Alarm Systems
The wireless security alarm system are somewhat similar to a wired system but it does not involve wiring. The key benefit of this system is that you won’t have to drill holes or have wires running from room to room in your house.

How much does Home Security systems cost?

There are two portions to your home security system costs – the equipment and monitoring service. With both parts, a home security system can average anywhere between $40 and $2000.

$200 would be considered cheap for a starter pack for home security equipment. Companies like ADT and Frontpoint offer package deals which make the overall cost cheaper in the long term.

Professionally installed vs. DIY home security systems

Companies like Link Interactive offer a DIY installation of the system and guide you through the installation process. This option is cheaper saving you on installation costs.

However if you are not confident in installing the system yourself; then you may want to go with a professionally-installed system. This service can be more expensive, but they are usually bundled with professional monitoring, warranties and support.

How to choose the right Home Security systems?

One system won’t fit all. The key is to understand your needs, budget limits and provider reviews. Maybe all you want is a simple smart lock that alerts you when someone visits your doorstep or a full-fledged security solution that includes cameras inside and out, flood and fire monitoring, remote access and full-time professional monitoring.


A home security system is a reasonable way to get protection and peace of mind for the biggest investment in your life your home and your family. Understand your needs and budget and we can help find the right security system for you!

Most Recommended
  • Intrusion detection
  • Fire, CO & flood monitoring
  • Voice control
  • Touchscreen control panel
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